Disability Support
Disability Support
Supporting our students
We recognise that many people with learning difficulties or disabilities choose to study with us not only because of the kind of courses we offer, but also the way we deliver them. We offer something different, and more personal, which resonates with our students.
Our team are here to support you before enrolment, and then work with you throughout your studies. Working with Diversity And Ability (an award winning social enterprise supporting inclusive cultures where diversity is valued) we make sure you have the assistance you need in classes and exams, help you discuss any required adjustments with your tutors, provide equipment loans, and help you apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) funding (for UK students on higher education programmes). Further Information can be found at : https://diversityandability.com/
We know from experience that students or prospective students are sometimes reluctant to disclose a disability because they fear it might prejudice their application or result them from being treated differently. There are many benefits to disclosure and we encourage students to disclose a disability so they can access any additional support they may be entitled to. However, we respect that a student might not wish to make a disclosure.
Enquiring about support
We provide a point of contact for prospective and existing students who need either formal support, or advice and guidance around the impact of a disability on the courses. By liaising with us about your needs, we can avoid putting you at a disadvantage to fellow students.
The completion of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) allows us to make recommendations to ensure we give students with a learning difficulty or disability fair and equal access to education. Students with a learning difficulty or disability are normally entitled to appropriate support around their courses and assessments. This may include equipment, extra time to complete exams, and extra tutorial time. This is called Reasonable Adjustments.
We can also help UK students with the process of getting funding for elements of their support, where needed. This can be through Disabled Students’ Allowance or other means.
Specialist support is available for students with:
- Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD
- Autism spectrum conditions, including Aspergers
- Mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression and bipolar affective disorder
- Hearing and visual impairments
- Long-term medical conditions such as epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, cancer, HIV and diabetes
- Physical disabilities
- Mobility difficulties
- Temporary injuries such as broken bones or recovery from an operation
If you are thinking of coming to study with us and feel you might require support, you need to tell us about your learning difficulty or disability, or enquire about DSA:
- On your UCAS form
- On your forms at enrolment
- By talking to us about support at enrolment
- By calling us on: 01612283607
- By emailing us at: DSA@ibc-manchester.com
What is DSA?
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a non-means tested and non-repayable source of funding to help meet the extra costs of studying that disabled students may face. It is in place to help meet the additional needs students with disabilities. Most UK students on a full time or part time higher education course are eligible to apply. Your Disability Advisor will help you apply for DSA or you can find out more from your funding bodies website:
- Student Finance England students
- Students Awards Agency for Scotland
- Student Finance Wales students
- Student Finance Northern Ireland
What kind of support can the DSA provide?
- Specialist Equipment Allowance: to purchase specialist equipment to assist you in your studies such as specialist software and a Digital Voice Recorder (DVR).
- Non-Medical Helpers Allowance: to fund people to work with you, including study coaching, mentoring, electronic note-takers and British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters.
- General Allowance: for other disability-related costs such as photocopying and printing expenses, books and other small items.
- Travel costs: DSA may be able to contribute towards additional study-related travel costs.
UK students
Application for DSA is normally through your Student Finance application and you submit supporting documentation to them relating to your disability. Student Finance carry out an initial review and once approved will ask you to complete a Needs Assessment which wil identify the type of support needed. This can be done at a number of centres around the UK. The cost of the needs assessment is normally covered by any DSA funding you are eligible for.
The application process for DSA can take up to three months with no delays. If you are in immediate need of support, we may be able to provide you with interim support while you wait for your funding to come through so please contact us.
Non-UK students
Non-UK students are not normally entitled to claim DSA, but IBC Manchester will do what is reasonable to ensure the student has a fair and equal opportunity to succeed. This can include support like extra time for examinations and help with presentations, please see contact us to find out more information about Reasonable Adjustments.
Studying with us and need support?
To tell us about your disability or learning difficulty or enquire about DSA
You can do this:
- On your UCAS form
- On your forms at enrolment
- Talk to us about support at enrolment
- Call us on: 01612283607
- Email us at: DSA@ibc-manchester.com
If we need you to provide us with medical evidence, Education, Health & Care Plan or Educational Psychologist Reports – you can either:
Post a copy of your evidence to :
HE Disability Team,
IBC Manchester,
11 Portland Street
M1 3HU
Scan and email your evidence to: DSA@ibc-manchester.com